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 文章主題 : Antibiotics Cheap Online - Get overnight
文章發表於 : 2016年 11月 16日, 02:32 

註冊時間: 2011年 1月 18日, 22:57
文章: 1108
來自: canada
Antibiotic resistant bacteria are bacteria that cannot be fully inhibited or killed by an antibiotic. The antibiotic may have worked effectively before the resistance occurred, antibiotic purchase canada. However, bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics by adapting their structure or function in some way that prevents them from being killed by the antibiotic. This mechanism might happen in several ways:

- bacteria can neutralize the antibiotic before it has an effect
- bacteria may be able to pump the antibiotic out
- bacteria may be able to change the site (receptor) where the antibiotic normally works
- bacteria can mutate and transfer genetic material that codes for resistance to other bacteria
The resistant bacteria that survive the effect of the antibiotic are able to multiply, spread to others and cause further infections in the family, community, and/or health care setting. In turn, these infections are more resistant to another round of the same antibiotic.

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